Tulips and Lost Time by Emilia Finn [PDF] [EPUB]

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Tulips and Lost Time by Emilia Finn Synopsis:

It’s time to go,” Jess murmurs. My younger sister. One of two— identical twin girls—both hovering in the NICU and peering over my shoulders as I stare down at a sweet, five-pound, teeny tiny, blonde- haired baby.


My daughter.

She’s too small, too thin, and way too fucking fragile for me to take home on my own. But our bags are packed. The crib has been built. The car seat is ready, and there are approximately seven hundred pink, and pastel green outfits hung in the closet, in the room we dubbed Billy’s, inside the house I bought for my wife.

We did all the things… Dated. Married. Purchased our own real estate.

And then styled a nursery.

We followed the steps and obeyed the rules. Sort of.

But it was all for naught, it seems.

Because if the universe wants to fuck a guy up, it’ll do it, whether we stick to the rules or not.

Jess sets her hand on my arm, her glossy, painted fingernails tapping my muscle and drawing my attention. She’s the more outspoken of my sisters. The louder one. Though Laine has been known to destroy a man when it was necessary. “They’ve discharged her, Luc. We’ve gotta take her home. ”


“But Kari—”

“She would want this.” Laine leans around me and picks up the baby— her niece—and presses a gentle, adoring kiss to her brow before turning away and nestling the bundle in her car seat. “She doesn’t want you guys hanging around here longer than necessary, Luc. You know that.”

“Because she’s always the fucking martyr.” I turn now that the hospital crib is empty but for rolled blankets and a lost sock.

One tiny sock for one tiny foot.

“This isn’t what we planned.” I hate that my eyes itch. That my stomach rolls with nerves and the world seems to tip on its axis. “We were gonna take her home together.”

“Sometimes plans change.” Jess bends to grab Billy’s unused diaper bag, overflowing with all the things an expectant mother packs as her ninth month approaches. Bibs. Blankets. Pacifiers. A cute little brush, though fuck knows, we were never gonna use it at the hospital. “You’re a dad now, Luc.” She hefts the heavy bag up and slips the straps over her forearm. “Your priority is Billy. Everything else needs to be dropped down a peg on your totem pole.”

“Not Kari.” I look down at my daughter and swallow the painful lump at the base of my throat. “I never agreed to push my wife down a step.”

The NICU doors slide open, a humming hallway filled to the brim with nurses and medical staff marching to their own beat as they go about their work. But in the doorway, my best friend in the whole world waits, his sparkling green eyes shimmering. Because he didn’t agree to this either. He never accepted a world where Kari wouldn’t be number one.


Technical Details:

Field Details
Publisher Beelieve Publishing, Pty Ltd
Published Date First published July 19, 2024
Language English
File Name Tulips and Lost Time by Emilia Finn.pdf, Tulips and Lost Time by Emilia Finn.epub
ISBN-10 1922623849
ISBN-13 978-1922623843


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