I Was a Teenage Slasher by Stephen Graham Jones [PDF] [EPUB]

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I Was a Teenage Slasher by Stephen Graham Jones Synopsis:

It was the best of times––high school––and it was the suckiest of times: high school.

Would I trade it, though?

If I could unkill six people, not make the whole town of Lamesa, Texas gnash their teeth and tear their clothes and have to go to funeral after funeral that searing-hot July?

Okay, I’m maybe exaggerating a bit about the clothes tearing. Though I’m sure some grieving brother or friend or conscripted cousin split a seam of their borrowed sports jacket, heaving a co n up into a hearse. And I bet a dentist or two paid their golf fees with money earned spackling the yellowy molars a whole town of restless sleepers had been grinding in their sleep, not sure if it was over. Not sure if I was gone.

And, yeah––“golf fees”? I don’t know.

People who wear plaid pants and hit small balls aren’t exactly the crowd I run with.

The crowd I do run with are… well. We’re the ones with black hearts and red hands. Masks and machetes.

And until I was seventeen, I never even knew about us.

My name is Tolly Driver. Which isn’t just this grimy keyboard messing my typing up. Tolly isn’t short for “Tolliver,” and Driver was just my dad’s random last name, and probably his dad before him, and I don’t know where it comes from, and even if I did, even if I had my whole family history back to some fancy-mustached dude reining mules this way and that, it wouldn’t change anything.

Genre: Horror, Thriller, Fiction, Adult, Mystery, Historical Fiction, Mystery Thriller

Technical Details:

Field Details
Publisher S&S/Saga Press
Published Date First published July 16, 2024
Language English
File Name I Was a Teenage Slasher by Stephen Graham Jones.pdf, I Was a Teenage Slasher by Stephen Graham Jones.epub
ISBN-10 1668022249
ISBN-13 978-1668022245


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