Hopeless by Colleen Hoover [PDF] [EPUB]

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Hopeless by Colleen Hoover Synopsis:

Sometimes discovering the truth can leave you more hopeless than believing the lies… You can also download Slammed PDF Download.

That’s what seventeen-year-old Sky realizes after she meets Dean Holder. A guy with a reputation that rivals her own and an uncanny ability to invoke feelings in her she’s never had before. He terrifies her and captivates her all in the span of just one encounter, and something about the way he makes her feel sparks buried memories from a past that she wishes could just stay buried.

Sky struggles to keep him at a distance knowing he’s nothing but trouble, but Holder insists on learning everything about her. After finally caving to his unwavering pursuit, Sky soon finds that Holder isn’t at all who he’s been claiming to be. When the secrets he’s been keeping are finally revealed, every single facet of Sky’s life will change forever.

Technical Details:

Field Details
Publisher Atria
Published Date First published December 18, 2012
Language English
File Name Hopeless by Colleen Hoover.pdf, Hopeless by Colleen Hoover.epub
ISBN-10 147674355X
ISBN-13 978-1476743554


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